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Making a Zine, Book Launch and the September Feels.

Happy Friday.

Autumn has been gentle so far, with warm sunny days and leaves slowly changing colours. September usually has that back-to-school, back-to-work feel which I like, but with warm weather all that seems to be postponed. I mean the feeling that is. Children, as far as I know, still went back to school. 

The Zine(s)

I plan to print and sell two zines, and since I can’t decide which one to start with, I’m working on both simultaneously. Printing small images helps me decide on the order and gets me rather excited about the final product. I love seeing all these drawings in one place and I can’t wait to have them as a booklet so I can turn the pages and see how images turn into a sequence. I didn’t draw them as a narrative piece of course, but images placed in a sequence always tell some kind of a story. 

Turning separate images into a little book.

The Book Launch

When you read “book launch” in the title, you thought perhaps that it was my book that was being launched. Not yet, friends, not yet. I went to an event celebrating the publication of Lockett & Wilde's Dreadfully Haunting Mysteries: The Ghosts of the Manor, illustrated by Pam Smy.

The lush cover and the event at Daunt Books in Holland Park.

I was looking forward to seeing Pam’s new work, but as I walked through the door, I realised I didn’t know anyone there, and this was going to be a potentially painful evening for my introverted self. Luckily once again the humans in the illustration and publishing industry proved to be the most welcoming crowd. I had delightful conversations, met lovely people and had an inspiring evening. Now I can’t wait to absorb the book.

The author, editor, publisher and illustrator. Or a group of lovely women.

September Drawings

I’m continuing my daily drawing, and what I’m usually most interested in is the light and atmosphere. But I also pay more attention to people recently, their expressions and body language.

Two friends catching up, accompanied by a baby

That’s a good sign, I thought I’d have to accept that drawing people is not for me. Looks like I just need more time to get comfortable with it. And as I start to look closer it gets more interesting and funny. How we all resemble cartoons and movie characters!

Some great characters at Royal Festival Hall’s cafe on a Sunday

That’s it from me, off to do some more drawing now.

As always, thanks for reading!


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